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  • LOVE Attitudes Scale
    Please answer each item using a 5-point scale, ranging from 1 (strongly agree), 2 (moderately agree), 3 (neutral), 4 (moderately disagree), 5 (strongly disagree). Questions:...
  • Templeton Plan: 21 Steps to Personal success and Real Happiness
      Sir John Templeton (1912–2008), the Wall Street legend who has been described as “arguably the greatest global stock picker of the twentieth century,” clearly knew what it took...
  • Tips for Building a Healthy Relationship
    Want to feel loved and connected to your partner? These tips can help you build and keep a romantic relationship that’s healthy, happy, and satisfying. All romantic relationships go...
  • Why Love is Good for Your Health
    We all know that heart health is important so we exercise, watch what we eat, maybe even practice mindfulness.   But there’s another aspect to healthy hearts that we may...
  • LOVING MONEY – Why You Should Love Money
    Loving Money to Attract More of It The most provocative and controversial aspect of my two million copy bestselling book, Moneylove, is its title. When I first wrote it,...
  • Envious Reactions to Great Wealth
    Can envy be a useful response to the widening gap in wealth in our country? Richard H. Smith Ph.D. Joy and Pain Poor envy. It has such a bad reputation. Who among...
  • Wages: Sharing the Wealth
    Money really does motivate workers. So why the belief that money is irrelevant? By Peter Rebhahn Penny-pinching bosses would like to believe that financial incentives don't motivate staffs and research...
  • Love-Based Activism, Unconditional love
    Love for myself, love for my community, love for all people who are marginalized and oppressed, and love for the people who are marginalizing and oppressing others. No...
  • Activism Became An Act of Love After Student Shootings
    With grieving students turning to activism, society stands to benefit. Rita Watson MPH With Love and Gratitude As we are caught up in the grief of a school shooting in Sante...
  • Love Activates Similar Brain Structures for Humans and Dogs
    The caudate nucleus shows increased activity in response to loved ones. Madeleine A. Fugère Ph.D. Dating and Mating Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is a research technique that measures blood flow...
  • The Triumph of Love and Activism Over Tragedy
    Love study researchers may see activism after school shooting as an act of love. Rita Watson MPH With Love and Gratitude With Valentine’s Day behind us, we are filled with mixed...
  • Can Love Survive in the Age of Technology?
    Can love exist within the demands of the new technology? Randi Gunther Ph.D. Rediscovering Love As a relationship therapist with forty years of experience, I am both fascinated and concerned about...
  • Scientists: Serotonin and Spirituality
    Scientists see a biological underpinning for religiosity, and it is related to the neurotransmitter serotonin. By PT Staff Serotonin, the brain chemical crucial to mood and motivation, also shapes personality...
  • Spirituality passion and depth in our lives
    Behind the quest for spirituality lies a growing need for passion and depth in our lives. That's why, David Elkins argues, psychotherapy still has a thing or two...
  • The Arduous Journey to Self-Love
    Why self-love is anything but selfish. Many of us give away love as freely as if it were an endless surplus of goods. Which is what love should be—an...
  • Self-Delusion: I Love Me
    Artificially propping up self-esteem may provide a temporary mental boost -- but in the long run stunts social and personal well-being. Psychology Today Self-esteem is one thing. But many psychologists...
  • 4 Reasons Why Infidelity Happens Even in Happy Relationships
    Even people who are happy in their relationships can cheat. The general thinking about why people cheat on a committed relationship partner is that there is a problem with...
  • 8 Reasons We Need to Show the Planet a Little Love
    Love: it’s what makes the world go around. As humans, we are the world’s largest purveyors of the power of love. Sure, we know our animal friends like...
  • Reasons Why I Love Nature
    It’s been quite a time already that I have been into photography. I realize that nature is one of the best subjects one could ever have. No matter...
  • 5 Inspiring reasons to love nature
    January is always a time of New Year’s Resolutions, making promises to yourself and making plans for the year ahead. So many of us choose the same resolution...
  • Top 10 Reasons Why I Love Nature (and why you might too…)
    I get emails almost every day from people telling me how much they love nature. It’s really not surprising to me… Nature is filled with so much beauty, life &...
  • 10 Reasons Why Self-Love Is The Best, Most Important Type Of Love
    Everyone wants to be loved and we often think that means we need to seek it from other people. But when you seek love from external sources you are...
  • Poverty to Prosperity with Love
    Naresh Kumar - Adventurer and Extreme Athlete Love Leaders with Todd Huston Episode Description Naresh was born into a lower caste system in India and has risen to become internationally known...
  • Sex During the Coronavirus Pandemic: What's Safe, and What Experts Don't Want You to Do
    A lot of it depends on you relationship status. By Jessica Migala Updated June 16, 2020 We’re all social distancing right now. And that begs the question: how do you...
  • Self-Love Meditation – Shower Yourself With Love
    Today’s self-love meditation will help you shower yourself with love. Without conditions. Without limits. Self-Love Meditation – Shower Yourself With Love Let the love wash over you, beautiful. You are an...
  • How to Practice Loving Kindness Meditation
    By Elizabeth Scott, MS Loving kindness meditation (LKM) is a popular self-care technique that can be used to boost well-being and reduce stress.1 Those who regularly practice loving kindness...
  • How to Meditate on Love
    The heart is both physical and spiritual, the center of our being which connects us to everything. Our spiritual self longs to connect with divine love. That longing...
  • What Kind of Kisser Are You?
    Assuming you're already a good kisser By Yerin Kim Becoming a great kisser takes practice — even your favorite celebs have awkward kiss stories. Unfortunately, you have to live through...
  • Are You In Love or If It's Simply a Crush
    Find out if they're "the one" or just someone. By Kristin Koch And Danielle Fox When you have a crush, feelings get magnified by 100. You may have thought they...
  • Quiz: Does Your Crush Like You as More Than a Friend?
    Aka the most frustrating mystery of all time. By Hannah Orenstein And Danielle Fox Crushes can make you wish you were a mind reader. You just NEED to know: do...
  • The Difference Between Romantic Love And Platonic Love
    Defining exactly what love means is like trying to explain where rain comes from to a gold fish. We just don't have the right perspective to understand it...
  • The Power of Kindness
    On a dog walk this summer, I strolled through a local Catholic university, and there it was: a sign with a Dalai Lama quote that said “Be Kind...
  • Toxic Positivity Is On The Rise. Are You Guilty Of Spreading It?
    The simple truth is we can’t heal grief with cat memes, or fix heartbreak with “Good vibes!” BY CATHERINE RENTON - DEC 14, 2020 I'm a highly anxious person, whose...
  • 3 Tips For Meditation Every Beginner Must Know
    Marcin Gil Marcin is a spiritual being just like anyone challenging to uncover what we already have – spiritual freedom.   The right tips for meditation are crucial for the success...
  • The 20 Greatest Real Life Love Stories from History
    In anticipation of Valentine's Day, we take a spin through history's greatest lovers—star crossed, cursed, life-long, and everything in between. BY NANCY BILYEAU GETTY IMAGES Love is a powerful emotion. Throughout...
  • 30 Famous Greatest Romances
    Photo: Getty Images   True love in the spotlight is a rare, precious thing. Even more beautiful: when celebrity couples talk about finding it. Below, 30 famous women share the stories...
  • Life Not Going Your Way? 5 Reasons You Should Be Thankful
    Life not going as you want it? That’s the perfect time to be thankful. How many times have you wished for a relationship or job, only to have...
  • Putting LOVE in negative conversations SUMMARY The text advises readers on how to approach negative conversations with a focus on love and understanding. It encourages readers to recognize their inherent connection with the other...
  • 12 Principles of Love with AI Podcast 1. God is Love God is the Spirit of Love. God is the author of love and gives love its meaning and purpose. God’s love is pure and unconditional,...



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